Innovative Ways to Use Shopify Bundle Apps for Seasonal Promotions

To set your seasonal promotions apart, you need a mix of creativity and innovation. And Shopify app bundles can give you that edge.
Innovative Ways to Use Shopify Bundle Apps for Seasonal Promotions

In this article, you’ll find

  1. Know Everything About The Shopify Bundle App
  2. Types of Shopify Bundles 
  3. Best Shopify Bundle App 
  4. Benefits of The Shopify Bundle App
  5. Innovative Ways to Use The Shopify Bundle App for Seasonal Promotions
  6. Conclusion 
  7. FAQs

Are you using a Shopify bundle app, especially for seasonal promotions?

The e-commerce space is growing, and holiday sales are the driving force. If we look at 2022’s numbers, online holiday retail sales in the US amounted to approximately $240 billion. That’s a huge figure! 

While it is fantastic news for online store owners, your priority must be to stand out, especially in this era where customers can jump from one store to another with a click. 

To set your seasonal promotions apart, you need a mix of creativity and innovation. And Shopify app bundles can give you that edge.

Ahead, we tell you all the innovative ways to use your Shopify bundle app for seasonal promotions to make the most of it. 

Know Everything About The Shopify Bundle App

Bundles or bundling is when you create a package of related or complementary products to sell as a single item. Why does it work? Because it is convenient. 

Say you are looking for bathroom cleaning supplies. Your favorite online store has a bundle of cleaning agents and wipes. All put together at a lower price than what it would cost individually. You will go with it! 

A Shopify bundle app can help you do that and more effortlessly. It lets you create enticing product bundles to maximize profits. There’s more. 

The Shopify app can optimize your store, create a more engaging shopping experience, and increase average order values. 

Bundling apps are easy to use. You can align them with seasonal promotions and target specific customer segments. 

Types of Shopify Bundles Apps 

We live in a tech-savvy era where there is an app for everything. So, as you might have guessed, you will find several types of Shopify bundle apps to help you with upcoming seasonal promotions. So, let’s unpack the most preferred type!

Product Bundle Apps 

These apps are exceptional. You can design unique bundles that resonate with your target audience. To sweeten the deal, few even have customization options.

Custom Bundles

As the name suggests, this app type lets your customers make their own choices. Here, they can build their bundle by selecting their preferred products. 

Upsell and Cross-Sell Bundles

If you want to encourage customers to buy more, upselling or cross-selling apps may be ideal. You can recommend products that are directly associated with their purchase. 

Bundle App Deals 

With these apps, you can offer exciting bundle deals and offers. They also come with customization features to make it enticing! 

Before downloading the app, analyze your needs. Go through their features and then finalize the best fit. 

Best Shopify Bundle App 

Now that you are familiar with different types of bundle apps, let’s unpack the best ones! 

Bold Bundles 

The first one on our list is Bold Bundles. It is versatile and lets you create custom and discounted bundles as per the need of the hour. From mix-and-match deals to BOGO, they have it all. It is customizable and comes with automatic discount features, an added benefit. 

Box Builder 

Shopify bundle app

Another fantastic app on the list is Box Builder. It lets you create bundles the way you want. You can customize the number of steps, add minimum product requirements, include discounted tiers, and more to match your brand’s needs. It is oh-so-easy to use! 

If you want to do more with just one app, Box Builder is for you. 

Bundler – Product Bundles 

Bundler is another excellent Shopify bundle app that allows the creation of bundles, offers discounts, and more. From classic to quantity breaks, you have a variety of options to choose from. They have free and premium paid plans. 

Benefits of The Shopify Bundle App

Are you still wondering if a Shopify bundle app is for you? We bring all the incredible benefits below. Take a look!

Sales and Average Order Value Go Up

Bundle apps are perfect. You can easily create exciting offers to encourage your customers to purchase. It not only drives sales, but your average order value also goes up. 

Happy Customers 

As an online store owner, your end goal is to make profits. But to get there, you need happy customers by your side. Customers appreciate the convenience of bundles, and it can elevate their shopping experience. 

Seamless and Effortless 

While bundles are excellent for business, you can make sure creating one is effortless with the help of a Shopify bundle app. Choosing the right app will make the process seamless from setting up to managing your bundles. 

Easy To Customize 

When you choose a Shopify bundle app, it usually comes with customization features to tailor the bundles per your requirements. So you can easily match it to your brand’s style and ensure it aligns with marketing strategies. 

Helps Offer Limited Time Bundle Deals 

With a Shopify bundle app, you can curate deals that add a sense of urgency to push your customers towards a purchase. From limited-time offers to BOGO, you can do it all. 

Enables Cross-Selling and Upselling 

Cross-selling or upselling helps you churn out more profits. With the help of a Shopify bundle app, you can upsell higher-value products or cross-sell related products to increase revenue opportunities. 

Innovative Ways to Use The Shopify Bundle App for Seasonal Promotions

You have downloaded the right bundle app. You are well aware of the benefits they offer. What next? How do you make your seasonal promotions a hit with a Shopify bundle app? Take a look at all the innovative approaches you can use! 

Thematic Bundle Sets

Say you visit an online store looking for the best gifts. They have something called the ‘Festive Set.’ It contains festive decor, hot chocolate, mugs, ready-to-bake cookie mix, and more. It feels Christmasy, cute, and super enticing. 

Even if it is not something you need, you may want to hit the buy now button.


One, the theme is something you can connect with. Two, the items included are something you will use. Three, it is cheerful and fun! 

So, to elevate your seasonal promotions, use themed bundles. However, make sure it resonates with your customers and the season. 

Limited-Edition Bundles

The term ‘limited’ can trigger fear of missing out or FOMO. The feeling of exclusiveness available only for a short period can sell goods faster than ever. 

But to make this scarcity-driven approach work, you must release bundles that feature seasonal must-haves. Include the spirit of festivities and make sure it is alluring. 

Highlight the unique features of your bundle and keep the visuals attractive. Be sure to reinforce a sense of urgency in your description. Also, ensure all details are accurate. 

With the help of a Shopify bundle app, you can effortlessly manage and promote time-sensitive offers. 

Progressive Bundles


Imagine shopping for a dress. You find the perfect one with a 10% off. As soon as you add it to the cart, you receive a notification that a second item from a select list will fetch you 15% off. 

You are intrigued. Browse through the list and find a lovely pair of shoes. As you add it to the cart, you see a pop-up message where they offer you 30% off on three or more. You just experienced a progressive bundle.

With this bundle, your customers usually purchase more than anticipated because of the lucrative incentives. 

It is also fun, isn’t it? So, try it today with your Shopify bundle app. 

Gift-With-Purchase Bundles

A gift-with-a-purchase bundle is a great way to capture your customer’s attention, making them choose your store over your competitor’s. It is clever and adds a sense of excitement. 

After all, who doesn’t enjoy a gift?

While this approach can boost sales, 90% of customers say it can also increase brand loyalty. So, it’s a win-win situation for you. 

A good shopping experience always leaves your customers wanting more. They may be back for a repeat purchase, and make your store their go-to destination for every occasion. 

Subscription Bundles

Subscription bundles can be an excellent idea to grow your business. 

Imagine. You offer your consumers a mix of curated products available only to subscribers. To make it even better, these bundles have limited-edition items and early access to your holiday collection. 

Here, you use FOMO to get your audience on your side while enticing them with exclusivity. 

Always align the subscription bundles with the relevant products and ensure you offer value. When done right, you build a base of loyal and long-term customers. 

Countdown Timers

Sense of urgency – Check.

A unique twist – Check.

Insitiling FOMO – Check. 

Countdown timers do everything needed in a seasonal bundle. You can easily create this innovative deal with Shopify bundle apps. 

Your responsibility is to craft alluring limited-time deals that align with the festivities or special events. However, don’t forget to showcase them prominently. 

As the clock ticks, your customers are inclined to make a quick purchase. It doesn’t give them too much time to ponder on their decision. 

They also create an exciting atmosphere that makes the shopping experience super fun! 

Flash Sales

Flash sales are almost like Bond movies. They are fast-paced and thrilling, and leave you eagerly waiting for the next one! 

Use Shopify bundle apps to inject the same enthusiasm with flash sales into your seasonal promotions. Leverage it to create a buzz. 

Build must-have bundles that are available just for that particular season. Pair it with enticing discounts and eye-catching visuals, and you are good to go. 

Collaborative Bundles

If you want something fresh yet innovative, collaborative bundles are your friend. For this, partner with complementary brands or influencers in your niche. 

However, make sure you advertise it right. Use social media, email marketing, and more to get the job done. 

Co-curate this bundle to align with the season or any specific event. This way, you can tap into their audience, and foster a community of loyal customers. 

Games and Contests

Games and contests are always eye-catching. They are a great way to engage your customers while boosting sales. They help provide an immersive experience where one can easily unlock exclusive bundles as rewards. 

To take it a notch higher, you can also create themed games or contests. If you are looking to build social media, this can be a great idea. 

Use Your Shopify Bundle App To Create The Best Promotions Today! 

A Shopify bundle app is an exquisite tool for your e-commerce business. It not only helps you increase your profits but also improves the overall shopping experience for your customers. But if you want to add a twist of innovation, you can pick one of the strategies from the above article and lure your customers easily during this seasonal promotion. But wait, don’t forget the most important trick. Always download a Shopify bundle app that supports your goals. 


What are bundle apps in Shopify?

Shopify bundle apps help you build the best bundles suitable for your audience. From mix-and-match to BOGO bundles, your creativity is the limit. 

How do I create bundles on Shopify?

First, go to your Shopify App > Bundles > Create Bundles. Usually, the next step is to fill in all the details associated with your bundle. If you are confused, you can always contact customer support of the app you use or visit the FAQ section to guide you.

What is the best bundle app on Shopify?

You will find a variety of Shopify bundle apps. However, you can look at the above article for the top three apps. 

How does the bundle app work?

Shopify bundle apps help you create and offer bundled offers effortlessly. For this, create individual products you want to include in the bundle and set any pricing rules, such as discounts. It also allows you to customize and promote your bundles. 

Why use bundles?

Bundles help you sell more and curb any marketing and distribution costs. They are efficient, convenient, and can elevate customer experience. 

About the author
Utilize product bundles
to scale your revenue